
Monday, October 31, 2016

My biggest confession ever

Guys it's time I come clean about something that is weighing heavily on my soul.
I'm... I am... I Am... I AMM a chocoholic
What? Whyyou laugh this is a very serious matter I just went through half a pack of Oreos in half an hour and I'm still going. I have one hell of a chocolate buzz and you know what I only woke up 2 hours ago. Wait, it's already 1. 1 pm right? I refuse!!!!
think happy thoughts, you didn't sleep through Charmed, you didn't sleep through Charmed. This is why dey has da Utoob.
Nil se la, Nil se la, nil se la!!!
Does this mean I has to shower now? I do feel gross without one but at the same time, computer.
Why I didn't make this video is beyond me and how I got so off topic is another mystery of this universe we shall never know. Don't try to logicize this. YOUR VULCAN MAGIC DON'T WORK HERE!!!!!! How this went so down hill scares me and really speaks to my mental state. Grapna! The chocolate is wearing off. Sleep, the darkness closes in on me. NO! SAVE ME!
[End of Transmission]

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