
Sunday, December 18, 2016

A meditation: Part 2 Defining Reality and Our Role in it

Belief. A word that has more turmoil attached by a history of love and war than any other. So many seek to covet it, so many others are eager to give theirs. Few are truly willing to speak out of its true nature.
People seldomly understand the true power of belief. From it we can shape the sheer fabric of reality. For how we see the world changes how the world is in our eyes. See it with eyes unclouded. Let not the opinions or judgements of others define your reality. 
The media today has now employed under it the use of my people, wordsmiths. We were reveered as magicians in Egypt, rebels in Rome. Our own founding fathers were trained to be such. Our words are made alive with each thought we have. So, as Ptah of the Egyptians did, we must learn to speak sparingly and only when necessary. Our words carry weight, and people see this. With our words we can and will shape others realities if they are not careful.
We need to learn that we must see something unbiased, nothing is unless we deem it is. The illusion of The Concrete is an illusion. All is nothing, and nothing is all. only what we define as real is real. From the sheer power of belief. We only agree on similar facts. Magic is magic because we agree its magic. Science is science because we believe it is science. That is what makes something Concrete. Agreement with the illusion. 

Remember these things. For these are my words I hoped to be remembered by
Bi i dtiuin

Friday, December 16, 2016

A meditation: Part 1 The Sense and The Source

Today I meditated and found something incredible
We all have an inate desire. One we try to quell with all the different things of this world; food, drink, sex, drugs, even daily tradition. In someways Religion is even used as a way to cloud this feeling of loneliness we all feel. The truth to this life is that this hole cannot be filled, but it can be tamed. For this whole feeling, this Sense as I will refer to it. Is alive
Emotions, one might think, cannot be alive. "You're crazy" is probably the first thought that runs through your mind. The Sense is so much more, it is a desire of something greater. Like it or not we are all created, be it by the Divine or by the moments between our parents. We were created it is a fact of our existance. In a way we are all artificial. Life generating from life, in a way we are all connected. That is why it is important to recognize life in all forms. We are all one. From the first spark of existence be it the will of a deity or a spark of energy from an unbalanced charge, we all come from the same Source. We have yet to find this Source. I guess the only way for us to find it is through our end of this phase. Life and the human will are shaping our reality. Our sheer power of belief has changed our world.

Remember these things. For these are my words I hoped to be remembered by
Bi i dtiuin

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dao to Meaning

Dao to Meaning

By: Eric Allman

What truly is the meaning of life
Is it something we draw from the pain and strife
A wild guess or a prominent vow
To see our life through past the here and now
My solution is we cant look to one another
For meaning to one isn’t the same to another

Friday, December 2, 2016


Sooo peoples, I got diagnosed with PTSD in my life, twice. Now I will document my journey in a journal, all the sleepless nights all the horrible dreams all the panics will be recorded and if I get enouh likes on this then I will post them on here

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Do You? ... Know how much I care

This bit of info is a bit personal but for all of you out there who know me, this is important.
Somewhere out there, a girl hates her brother for all he's done. This girl has had a rough life dealing with some of the things she's seen, But right now I am starting a campaign for every plus one this gets, I will make a page that tells this girl that her brother loves her and why. Lets see if we can break 100! Ready set... +1!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Stressed out

I don't eat, I don't drink anything. I can barely breathe. I'm in over my head
My mind is spinning and my heart hurts, I wish I were dead
I am usually a happy person, I love to help people under duress
But now I need someone help me with all this stress
I am not healthy I'm not taking care
when was the last time I washed my hair?
I'm falling apart at the seams
because nothing is real in the world of dreams
My body hurts, I puked on the floor
I really hope my grandmother doesn't walk through my door
what can I do to help my case
I feel like my life is too fast paced
Everything around me as out of my hand
I can no longer feel I barely can stand
It hurts so much more than I can tell
Is this heaven or is it really hell?
Can't handle my loyalty any more
All it has is pain in store
It's time to put myself first and I will succeed
I will survive without weapon or steed
All shall bow before my majesty
Because now it is time to take care of me
I shall end what I threw myself in
I shall exit this hoax, and return within

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Je suis

Who am I? I am me. The first, the last, the only. I am unique. There shall be no more of my kind. When I see my reflection I know that I don't try to pretend to be something I am not. I am the only one of my kind, and so are you.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Do You?... Show love

I want you to think about one person in your life who you genuinely care about.
Got them? Great!
Go tell them you love and appreciate them. RIGHT NOW! I'm willing to bet it'll make their day.
We all need to be loved, and feel it. I have seen too much love be taken for granted, even in my own life. But, without letting people know how they are appreciated, otherwise they don't know how valued they truly are.

Atlantis The Lost Empire - we're all gonna die

How I feel about the election

Golden Retriever puppies go crazy for ball pit

I had my cute fix for the day! I happy!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Do you?... Love yourself

I want yall to think about something. You can't love anybody more than you can love yourself. So how much DO you love yourself. Are there parts of you that you shut out? Pieces you want gone and never return? Bits you think you'd be better without?
well here's a news flash. That's how much you can love somebody else. So my recommendation take an hour today to do things for yourself. Basically take a I love me hour.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Being A Saint

You know I thought for the longest time that in order to be a saint you had to be able to "show it". What I mean by that, I thought that you had to be able to make a miracle.
Yesterday was the Feast of All Saints. For the sermon, the priest talked about all sorts of saints who aren't sign giving saints. So you know what, I don't need to be powerful or miracle-giving. I can get to heaven just being the person I am. Food for thought

Monday, October 31, 2016

My biggest confession ever

Guys it's time I come clean about something that is weighing heavily on my soul.
I'm... I am... I Am... I AMM a chocoholic
What? Whyyou laugh this is a very serious matter I just went through half a pack of Oreos in half an hour and I'm still going. I have one hell of a chocolate buzz and you know what I only woke up 2 hours ago. Wait, it's already 1. 1 pm right? I refuse!!!!
think happy thoughts, you didn't sleep through Charmed, you didn't sleep through Charmed. This is why dey has da Utoob.
Nil se la, Nil se la, nil se la!!!
Does this mean I has to shower now? I do feel gross without one but at the same time, computer.
Why I didn't make this video is beyond me and how I got so off topic is another mystery of this universe we shall never know. Don't try to logicize this. YOUR VULCAN MAGIC DON'T WORK HERE!!!!!! How this went so down hill scares me and really speaks to my mental state. Grapna! The chocolate is wearing off. Sleep, the darkness closes in on me. NO! SAVE ME!
[End of Transmission]

Thursday, October 27, 2016

My journey

I have been offline for over a year. But I have been on a journey to understand the meaning of what it means to be a human. A man, a person. A better me. Someday soon I hope to share this amazing journey with the whole world but for now, you just need to know I am different