Is it possible that inertia can be more than just a property of matter? Could inertia be the natural state of all things? When we wake we don't want to get out of bed unless something is happening. If that other thing wasn't happening, would we stir from our beds?
Don't we easily dismiss change, especially when we enjoy what is? It is hard to make a difference in our own lives because of our resistance. Could joy and contentment be the ultimate recognition of inertia? Could inertia be the force in our life which is unchanging? Inertia could be the traits passed from parent to child. The same traits that we can recognize as part of us. These traits show our unchanging lineage. Does that mean it is wrong to try and change them?
Is our resistance to change a reflection of the matter that comprises our form? Could this be a reflection of our fear of the unknown? Could our fear stem from our form? The order of the universe manifests as inertia, and chaos, entropy. Maybe entropy is the unknown and too much of it will destroy us. Yet we need it to survive. Is our need to face our fears due to the fact we need entropy as much as inertia? We are governed by complex laws we only begin to understand. They are so fragile and delicate , yet they are resilient because of the ability to resist change. Could our fear be one thing that can save us? Could anarchy be the ultimate expression of our fear? Could a government be the representation of our inertia? Is a democracy our attempt to create an artificial version of ourselves? Is a totalitarian government our need to have the stability we crave so dearly?
What do we truly fear more than the unknown? Some embrace their fear and chaos. They stride boldly into the new frontiers and places some could never imagine. If we were all like that, would we be a race today? Our inertia drives our society, our need for each other. While many concepts revolve around birth and death, life represents our order, our inertia. Yet if we were only inertia would we be the same person? No individuality, no unique thoughts? Is chaos the manifestation of our differences? We fear the unknown and the differences we have because we're afraid it will destroy us. But if there was no chaos, would there be an us or a me? Could our inertia be a force which can kill us as much as chaos? Perhaps we need both in order to be as we are.
Indeed, if so, so then if there was no inertia or entropy, would there be nothing? Is the complete balance between inertia and entropy perfection? Is this something that we as people can achieve?