
Saturday, July 8, 2017


For all those who don't know, I am a high school drop out. Yes. I know. Its hard to believe but I have a GED. Life has repeatedly beaten my butt to a point where I ran. Hell, sometimes I wonder if I havent done anything but run. My parents, were able to send me off for some much needed help when I needed it but I harbored so much darkness in my heart. Even these days I wonder, are my parents proud. Of course to my face they will tell me they are proud. I mean my parents aren't rude and indignant. But I sit here wondering am I a sore subject. I mean my sister is the best child of the family, she sits there and gives everything her all she is more likely to succeed than I am. What am I. Another drop out. A guy who can barely keep a job and a guy who didnt have anyone celebrate the fact he made it. I guess I should face it I am no one.

1 comment:

  1. Your parents are very proud. We celebrate every accomplishment no matter how big, how small or how trivial it may be perceived. You have been on a challenging road and you put one foot in front of the other each day Your path is different than what is considered "normal". That's ok.

    Love you mean it

    You are not a drop out. You have a GED. High school is over. You finished before any of your classmates.

    You are solidifying your foundation and you will succeed. Just don't stand in your own way!
